Monday, October 29, 2007

Been A While

It's been a while since my last blog; between working and keeping up with church, kid's sports and just the everyday list of being a parent its sometimes hard to find the time. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying it can be hard to juggle it all! (Can I get an AMEN from the choir?!) Nothing is really new in my "not quite right" life, but I thought I would at least let everyone know that I am still here and NO the rapture has not occured yet! Each day I become less impressed with what the world has to offer. It's all so temporary, so empty, so absent of thought, kindness, and humility. Do I want to leave here? You better believe it!! I would pack up and leave today if God would allow. There is nothing so important that I would bypass a free ride to the most high!!! The world seems to just ignore God and if it can't ignore him; it tries to write him off from the get go. Take for example evolution. Survival of the fittest right? All I have to say is that the human body we now have is the best thirty billion years of evolution can do, I don't have much faith its gonna get better any time soon. I mean if we all came from aquatic creatures why not keep the gills so we don't drown when we go back into the water? At what point did we lose the ability to grow fur to keep us warm in the winter? Yeah we got possable thumbs, but if we don't have a gun there are animals that don't that will eat us! Why not keep the ability, like a lizard, that when we loose an appendage to grow it back? Have you ever seen a dog with allergies? Have you ever heard a cat wonder how its gonna pay the water bill? Like I said before if this is the best natural selection can do there is not alot to look forward to!! Anyways... that was one odd tangent. For those of you who would like to hear me sing I will be doing a solo in the Christmas program at City Church Dec. 1,2, and 3rd. Hope to see you all soon and may God guide you along the road of life!


Fred said...

Hey TJ! Here's an "Amen" from the choir! Right on - with all your remarks.

Travelin' On said...

Hi son,
You have nice writing skills. :)
So, does this mean it will be the same performance each of those days, Dec. 1, 2, and 3? If you don't ind send me an email with the details.
I want to come!

Travelin' On said...

Your "sermon" here reminds me of an old "red back hymnal" song:

"This world is not my home.
I'm just a passin' through,
If Heaven were not my home,
Then Lord what would I do?
The angels beckon me,
To Heaven's open door,
And I don't feel at home,
In this world anymore!!!!"
Now that's a good song. :)

L A Brannen said...

"Amen!" I never thought about "survival of the fittest" like you said it, but that is so true.

Travelin' On said...

I feel so impressed just to tell you that God already knows what he has planned for you and you are just gonna be so amazed. Don't lose patience, don't lose heart. Your times are in his hands.

Isn't HE awesome?
I love you!

Favorite One said...

TJ I was missing you! AMEN to the juggling it all part. When you figure it all out - let me know. I'm twice as old as you (maybe more) & I still am trying to figure it all out. :-) Luv your post & look forward to hearing from you soon!

Unknown said...

TJ, you have the prettiest family. They are all so cute. I know about juggling too. I just found your blog, I am so pathetic when it comes to the computer. I like your preaching style brother-cousin. I have a lot of people that I want to reach with the gospel...but even so Lord, come quickly. Keep singing for His glory. I love you!